Tuesday, February 2, 2016

JCart : ShoppingCart Add Item To Cart

In our HomePage/CategoryPage/ProductPage we have a button Add To Cart as follows:

<a class="add_to_cart_button" data-quantity="1" data-product_sku="" data-product_id="70" 
 rel="nofollow" href="#"
 th:onclick="'javascript:addItemToCart(\'' + ${product.sku} + '\');'">Add to cart</a>

When customer clicks on Add To Cart button it will trigger addItemToCart(sku) JavaScript function passing the product SKU value.

Now create jcart-site/src/main/resources/static/assets/js/app.js and implement addItemToCart(sku) function as follows:

function addItemToCart(sku)
 $.ajax ({ 
  url: '/cart/items', 
  type: "POST", 
  dataType: "json",
  contentType: "application/json",
  data : '{"sku":"'+ sku +'"}"',
  complete: function(responseData, status, xhttp){

This function triggers an Ajax call to url '/cart/items' using jQuery and if it is successful we are calling another JavaScript function updateCartItemCount(). The updateCartItemCount() function updates the current Cart Items count in the page header section.

<div class="shopping-item">
 <a href="#" th:href="@{/cart}">Cart <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> <span id="cart-item-count" class="product-count">(0)</span></a>
function updateCartItemCount()
 $.ajax ({ 
  url: '/cart/items/count', 
  type: "GET", 
  dataType: "json",
  contentType: "application/json",
  complete: function(responseData, status, xhttp){ 

The updateCartItemCount() function triggers an Ajax call to url: '/cart/items/count' to get the current Cart Item count. Once the response is received we are setting the count value.

We need to display the current Cart Item Count on all pages, so let us invoke updateCartItemCount() function in app.js for all the page load as follows:


function updateCartItemCount()

function updateCartItemCount()

Now let us implement the back-end functionality to handle Cart related operations. First let us create the model objects to hold Cart and LineItem data.

public class Cart
 private List<LineItem> items;
 private Customer customer;
 private Address deliveryAddress;
 private Payment payment;
 public Cart()
  items = new ArrayList<LineItem>();
  customer = new Customer();
  deliveryAddress = new Address();
  payment = new Payment();

 public void addItem(Product product)
  for (LineItem lineItem : items)
  LineItem item = new LineItem(product, 1);
 public void updateItemQuantity(Product product, int quantity)
  for (LineItem lineItem : items)
 public void removeItem(String sku)
  LineItem  item = null;
  for (LineItem lineItem : items)
    item = lineItem;
  if(item != null){
 public void clearItems()
  items = new ArrayList<LineItem>();
 public int getItemCount()
  int count = 0;
  for (LineItem lineItem : items) {
   count +=  lineItem.getQuantity();
  return count;
 public BigDecimal getTotalAmount()
  BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("0.0");
  for (LineItem lineItem : items)
   amount = amount.add(lineItem.getSubTotal());
  return amount;
 //setters & getters
public class LineItem
 private Product product;
 private int quantity;
 public LineItem()
 public LineItem(Product product, int quantity)
  this.product = product;
  this.quantity = quantity;

 public BigDecimal getSubTotal()
  return product.getPrice().multiply(new BigDecimal(quantity));
 //setters & getters

We may need to get the current Cart object in one or more Controllers. So let us create a method getOrCreateCart(HttpServletRequest) in JCartSiteBaseController so that it will be available in all controllers.

public abstract class JCartSiteBaseController
 protected Cart getOrCreateCart(HttpServletRequest request)
  Cart cart = null;
  cart = (Cart) request.getSession().getAttribute("CART_KEY");
  if(cart == null){
   cart = new Cart();
   request.getSession().setAttribute("CART_KEY", cart);
  return cart;

Now let us implement the CartController as follows:

public class CartController extends JCartSiteBaseController
 private CatalogService catalogService;
 protected String getHeaderTitle()
  return "Cart";
 @RequestMapping(value="/cart/items/count", method=RequestMethod.GET)
 public Map<String, Object> getCartItemCount(HttpServletRequest request, Model model)
  Cart cart = getOrCreateCart(request);
  int itemCount = cart.getItemCount();
  Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
  map.put("count", itemCount);
  return map;
 @RequestMapping(value="/cart/items", method=RequestMethod.POST)
 public void addToCart(@RequestBody Product product, HttpServletRequest request)
  Cart cart = getOrCreateCart(request);
  Product p = catalogService.getProductBySku(product.getSku());

Now run the application and click on Add To Cart in HomePage/CategoryPage/ProductPage, the product should be added to Cart and the Cart Item Count in header should be updated accordingly.

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