Monday, October 29, 2012

A bunch of Maven Archetypes for Spring based Projects

Maven is a good project management tool which greatly reduces the amount of time we spend on creating java projects with proper structure. With so many predefined maven archetypes it is even easier to create projects by simply selecting the archetype based on the technologies we need and type(jar/war/ear) of project we want to create.

However sometimes those predefined archetypes structure may not suite well for our needs or we may need some more additions to the pre-configured dependencies/frameworks etc.

Also in Eclipse the default java compiler level is 1.5 and configuring it to 1.6 every time is frustrating.
So I thought of creating some custom archetypes for the most common combination of technologies/frameworks that I frequently use.

Yes, I am aware of AppFuse which provides lot more maven archetypes. But the structure I follow is a bit different, so I thought of creating archetypes which suites my needs/style :-)

Most of my projects are Spring based applications, so I have created the following templates so far:

1. Quickstart Java App : 
A Simple Java Application with JDK 1.6, SLF4J(Logback/Log4J) and failsafe plugin configuration.

2. Quickstart Web App:
A Simple Web Application with JDK 1.6, Servlet 2.5, SLF4J(Logback/Log4J) and failsafe plugin configuration.

3. Quickstart Spring App: 
A Java project with Spring 3.1.x, MySQL, JdbcTemplate and Log4j/Logback configuration.

4. Quickstart SpringMVC App: 
A Web project with SpringMVC 3.1.x,MySQL, JdbcTemplate, jQuery and Log4j/Logback configuration.

5. Quickstart SpringMVC-Tiles-SpringSecurity App: 
A Web project with SpringMVC 3.1.x, Apache Tiles, SpringSecurity 3.1.x, jQuery and Log4j/Logback configuration.

6. Quickstart SpringMVC-SiteMesh-SpringSecurity App: 
A Web project with SpringMVC 3.1.x, SiteMesh 2.x, SpringSecurity 3.1.x, jQuery and Log4j/Logback configuration.

7. Quickstart SpringMVC-JPA2(Hibernate) App:
A Web project with SpringMVC 3.1.x, JPA2(Hibernate4.x), SpringDataJPA, Apache Tiles, jQuery, SpringSecurity and Log4j/Logback configuration.

8. Quickstart SpringMVC-MyBatis App:
A Web project with SpringMVC 3.1.x, MyBatis, jQuery and Log4j/Logback configuration.

9. Quickstart Spring-JSF2(PrimeFaces)-JPA2(Hibernate) App:
A Web project with Spring 3.1.x, JSF2(PrimeFaces), JPA2(Hibernate),SpringDataJPA and Log4j/Logback configuration.

These are the archetypes so far I have completed and uploaded them onto my GitHub repository

I have mentioned how to install them in your local repository in README file.

I am planning for writing some more template archetypes including SpringRESTFul Services, Spring-ApacheCXF App, Spring Integration, Spring-JavaEE6 etc.
Stay tuned :-)


  1. Great help for those who wants to jump into Spring based development. It helps to get the taste it.

    Keep it up!

  2. How To Use Them From mvn command ? Any example ?

    1. I have mentioned how to install them in your local repository in README file.

  3. thanks. had no problem to get it to work

  4. Thank you siva,your blog is very usefull to me.
