Monday, August 22, 2011

Is it a good idea to move from Blogger to Wordpress?

Hello Guys,
Blogger is very easy to use blogging tool which I really enjoy blogging all these days.
But as my blog is technical blog i need to post code snippets and I thought it would be good to use SyntaxHighlighter. I used

But while posting HTML or XML code, Java generics I need to escape all < and > symbols which is tedious process.

Yesterday I tried using Wordpress and it's syntax highlighting support is awesome.
We don't need to configure anything. Just surround the code snippets with
[sourcecode language="java"]. Thats it. 
It is rendering java, html, xml without needing to escape special chars.
Is it a good idea to move from Blogger to Wordpress?
What features of blogger I will miss if I move to Wordpress?



  1. i personally like self-hosted Wordpress blogs more than the blogger. Wordpress gives lot more power and n-number of plug-ins to extend.

  2. Yeah, I like it more too. It offers you more customization options, but it's as well a little bit more painful to configure, etc...
